Sunday, November 4, 2007

Next Up- Lloyd's List Shipping Leaders Summit 2007

In two weeks I'm changing focus, from rice to shipping...better still with the elites in shipping. So if you are wondering why dry bulk markets fell last week, or how oil prices will affect global shipping (tankers, bunker costs or to put it simply costs overall) and want to understand the fundamentals in shipping and what CEOs are thinking (better still what they are doing)...this is it. 15th November 2007 at the Kowloon Shangri-La Hotel in Hong Kong.
Bonus - if you are a networker like me, you will also enjoy the evening cocktails the the Lloyd's List Asia Awards that takes place immediately after the seminar.
What will we look at?
firstly the seminar is done on a dialogue style - so less emphasis on powerpoint presentation and more emphasis on off -the-cuff (albeit most is prepared) discussions and the chance for audience interaction.
The issues:
- shipping cycles and if they are still relevant
- increased use of capital markets as vessel prices rise
- cargo is moved by people - human resources needed to fuel shipping (tons of issues as the global fleet grows and grows and companies struggle to fine seafarere and senior officers to work these vessels)
- free trade and ports will also be in focus as it appears that growth in the ship population alone ends up only with congestion - so port developments and the logistics infrastructure is also key

Shipping is now 40% or more Asian owned and certainly fueled by Asian demand - so I am quite excited at the prospect of meeting and discussing the industry concerns with people who have not just risen to gain from the current boom, I would say these are the guys who have been consistent - they survived the lows of shipping and have a proven record of not just survival, but excellence.

One more item not to be missed - the new generation of shipowners...and we have Sabrina Chao on board to give us a peek of what's in store.

The world is seemingly complex but when we anlyse the success stories, the simplicity of the reasoning implies that "vision" is the trick, vision that helps simplify the situation to allow clarity in looking at the opportunities on the road ahead.

I'm excited and quite looking forward to the trip....also because shipping was an area of concern at our rice event last week.

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